Monday, May 17, 2010

Just one of those days...

We got in late last night from our quick trip up to Atlanta for my uncle's funeral. It's been raining off and on all day and Clark and I are both tired from being off our normal routine this weekend. He was such a trooper in the car though, I am blessed with an awesome little boy! I've had a head ache that won't go away and I just feel blah for a number of reasons I don't go into. I want to make every day count, but today just seems like a waste. It makes me thankful for the good days. Today's not over yet, so I may be able to salvage it in some positive way, but if I never experienced days like today I don't think I'd appreciate the really good ones in quite the same way. I'm thankful that most days are not like today and that even when I have a bad day I have hope in the things that don't change. Regardless of my mood or circumstances my God doesn't change. So often I forget the big picture a look at the moment I'm in living in. I praise him for life, for salvation and the the thousands of little blessings he pours out on me that I don't even notice, or I forget to praise him for.

The sun has popped though the clouds in the few minutes I've been writing. I think I'll go take some ibuprofen, attack the mound of laundry waiting for me and play with my favorite little blessing (when he wakes up from his nap) to try to salvage the day.

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