The other day he was playing in his room while I was going through his drawers taking out the clothes that were too small and going through his wonderful hand-me-downs to replace the clothes I was removing. One of his favorite things to do is take all the books off the bookshelf and then go through them and "read" them to himself. He was reading "From Head to Toe" by Eric Carle where the animals do different movements and ask the children to copy them. He was on the page with the gorilla and he was thumping his chest with his fist. I was so excited I could barely contain myself. He actually getting something from the books and making connections! He now also waves his arms with the monkey, claps with the seal and stomps his foot with the elephant. As a teacher, I have to say it thrills me that he loves books and that he'll hold still long enough to read them.
After his nap today we're going to go check out the library. Hopefully we'll be able to find some cardboard books so that we can add to his collection. Although, I don't think he cares if we read the same books over and over again, even if I have literally memorized every page.
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