Our apartment is all decorated for Christmas and we're done with our Christmas shopping. This year we had to be very economical in our purchases because of the added expenses of our arrival in February and the lack of pay during maternity leave. God as good and provided money through our rewards points on our visa which we have never cashed in. We feel so blessed!
This afternoon was a bit traumatic (especially for Michael). Ever since we moved in our apartment nearly two years ago it's been our intention to find a new home for Schroeder. The apartment is so small and the two dogs don't have space to get out all their energy. We didn't want to just get rid of him, we wanted to find him a home that would love him and take care of him. We've been dragging our feet because we knew it would be hard, but we finally realized we had to do it. A lady in Orlando posted on Craigslist that she was looking for a small dog. She has a big backyard, another dog to be Schroeder's friend and a nephew for Schroeder to play with. He sent to her immediately and licked her face. She thought he was so cute and sweet. Michael is sad and will miss him for a while, but it's much more peaceful in the apartment and Hank seems to love having the attention all for himself. It will be easier to keep him out more and walking one dog is much easier than walking two (especially with a newborn in the house soon).
This week I started my last trimester. 11 1/2 weeks to go!! (assuming Clark decides to show up on time). He is an active little guy who loves to kick and squirm and move around in my belly. We've had so much fun watching him move. One of our favorite things is Michael likes to put his ear to my stomach to see if her can hear anything. When he does, Clark will kick right where his face is pressing. He's a feisty little boy already kicking his daddy in the head :) We've got the nursery set up and if I can figure out how to post pictures on here I'll put up some shots we took as well as the sonogram picture.
Michael finishes finals on Tuesday and then he has two Winter term classes, a full load in the Spring and three more classes to take in the summer and online. He'd love to be done now, but he's close enough we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We're trusting God to provide the finances we need to get through the last few classes and live during maternity leave. He has been so faithful to provide in the past, we know he will provide now, although it's a little scary when we see the numbers on paper.
We're going to Colorado for Christmas to spend time with Michael's family. We're excited to see everyone and spend time with Trey who found out this week he's going to have a little sister just a month and half younger than Clark. Everyone is super excited!
Since I'm not very regular about posting, I'll go ahead and wish everyone a Merry Christmas!